
以前的美术和工作室经验是有帮助的,但不是必需的, 因为在Oxbow的教学中,我们为新兴人才提供了严谨的培养环境. The studio arts program at Oxbow offers an eclectic range of elective courses (see below) to supplement the 核心课程.

Visiting Artist residencies and 工作shops engage students in individual and collaborative 工作, and major research-based projects allow students to design creative projects of their own choosing with the potential to integrate diverse media 和艺术-making strategies. 在这学期的课程中, students develop a critical eye and an individual voice and they acquire a 工作ing knowledge of issues in contemporary art. 学生们学会管理自己的时间, 了解他们的创作过程, 并在成长为艺术家群体的同时拓展他们的审美思维. Students will receive two Honors Studio Art credits while at 牛轭学校 in addition to their academic credits.

在u型, students are encouraged to 工作 in mediums of their choice and to experiment with new mediums. 学生最常追求以下媒介:

























The 绘画 studio is equipped with all the supplies students need for ambitious projects in drawing, 绘画, 和混合媒体拼贴. 学生们用木炭、水彩、墨水、水粉、丙烯酸、油和许多其他材料工作. Students are encouraged to incorporate traditional techniques alongside experimental approaches. 他们尝试抽象、表现,以及介于两者之间的一切.

摄影 & 新媒体

The 新媒体 studio is equipped with the tools and technology for still and moving image production, 动画, 和设计. 新媒体计算机实验室里有装有Adobe Creative Suite的imac电脑, 还有照片扫描仪, 单色和彩色激光打印机, 还有一台大幅面打印机. There is also a fully equipped black and white darkroom for film 过程ing and alternative 过程es. Students are encouraged to use technology as an aid in achieving their creative 和艺术istic goals. 请访问我们的YouTube页面查看 视频/电影 工作和 动画 工作.


The 雕塑 studio has all the equipment students need to 工作 in three dimensions including a woodshop, 金属加工设备, 粘土和石膏工具, 还有缝纫机. Students are encouraged to 工作 in new and experimental media and to use many different techniques and 过程es to best communicate their ideas.


The 版画 studio is a professional-level intaglio facility equipped with presses and all of the necessary tools and materials. 学生也可以学习其他技术,如monotypes, 凸版印刷, 和著作. Students new to printmaking are supported in many techniques with an emphasis on versatility and exploration to feel empowered in the studio.


Plein Air水彩景观. 拿着画笔和水彩画, 学生们前往纳帕及其周边的景点,深入研究山水画. 学生们学习当代风景画家, 采用非传统的绘画技巧和方法. This is a great opportunity to explore the nature around Northern California and experiment with watercolor technique as we observe and glean inspiration from the light and color of the beautiful landscape surrounding us.

动画. 本课程涉及动画技术的广度. 教程以手绘动画为主, 定格动画, 气速管动画, 数字动画, 和3D电脑动画. 通过短片放映, 学生学习动画的历史和当代艺术家的流派. 在介绍了各种动画技术之后, 学生专注于一种动画技术或结合技术来制作一个短动画.

实验媒体/虚拟现实导论. This advanced course expands upon the themes and techniques explored in the 新媒体 course. 通过视频放映, 学生探索当代艺术家如何实验新兴技术, 网络空间, 虚拟现实, 穿戴, 数字表现. 学生利用绿屏技术, 3D动画技术, 360度照片和视频, 虚拟现实, 表演, 以及他们选择的其他媒体来创建一个与媒体相关的项目. 本课程鼓励对材料和媒介进行实验.

表演/参与/社会实践. This course delves into the fields of 表演 art, relational art, and socially engaged art. 通过行为实验, 运动的活动, 还有简短的提示, students gain a repertoire of improvisation and devising techniques to produce their own 表演s and interactive experiences. 另外, students collaborate with an Oxbow chef to produce an interactive dining experience inspired by the artists discussed in class whose 工作 intersects social practice, 食物, 仪式, 和艺术.

叙事与人物. 这门课结合了人物绘画、漫画和讲故事. The figure-drawing portion of the class concentrates on life-drawing from models as students 工作 to accurately depict human anatomy with special focus on gesture and proportion. Each figure drawing class starts with a series of quick warm-ups and 工作s up to more sustained poses that include the full body and head. 学生们在描绘一系列动作的图画上工作, 然后把这些技巧转化成顺序叙述, 包括漫画和手绘动画. 同样的观察和手势绘制的过程指导了这个过程, 在其后期阶段, 作为讲故事的练习出现.

纺织品. This course delves into fabric printing by hand—building patterns with stamps as well as developing “repeat” patterns. 这门课结合了绘画、色彩、图案和概念. 学生认为有机vs. 几何形式,正空间和负空间,维度vs. 平整度,以及比例在图案中的作用. 学生在织物上开发和打印多种设计. 随着概念和设计的发展, students consider the culture and evolution of hand-designed textiles and explore the landscapes, 工件, 纹理, 以及告诉我们是谁的调色板.

著作. 本课程引导学生了解各种簿记技巧. Students learn the basic tricks of the trade to make coptic, drum leaf, and case-bound books. 虽然工作主要集中在创建空白日志和速写本, the final project involves a collaborative hand-bound “artist book” that showcases art工作 made by everyone in the course.

油画肖像. 学习油画或磨练油画技巧. 学生学习拉伸和石膏一个24“X 24”的画布来创建一个肖像, 要么从自己选择的照片,要么从生活中画一幅自画像. 为绘画提供信息和灵感, 学生们学习艺术史和当代艺术中各种各样的油画作品.

造纸. 跟随从树皮到纸张的造纸过程! 学生探索日常材料的生命周期. 学生们把纤维煮下来,用手加工成纸张. 然后, they make art工作s by embedding materials in the paper itself and dragging sculptural objects through fiber. 这包括学习制作造纸工具,并根据需要修改它们以进行实验.

铜板蚀刻. Students in the etching course have the opportunity to learn various techniques within intaglio printmaking, 如:干点油, hardground, softground, 铜版画, 和chine-colle. 学生们合作选择他们想要学习的技术. 这里有个人和团队合作的机会. 小组散步和现场绘图贯穿整个课程.

暗房摄影. 在暗房摄影选修课, 学生将熟悉电影和模拟摄影的基础知识. 使用35mm黑白胶片, 学生会开枪, 过程, 然后打印或数码扫描他们的最终产品. 一旦他们掌握了在暗室工作的基本知识, 学生将有机会在120mm或其他光敏材料上工作. 可选择的过程研讨会可在学期到学期的基础上, 并且经常结合其他技术, 比如青版印刷或太阳能印刷. 这门选修课是对光的深入研究, 作文, and experimentation and provides students with opportunities for individual 工作和 group collaboration.

有关学生作业的范围和广度的更多示例,请访问 最终项目图库.